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Continue my trend of commenting on the INSANE costs of making a movie I have new information that circling the web, but this time to Suicide Squad. Let get this out of the way, I hope the best financial for this movie, I really do, unlike Ghostbusters that I want to flop hard on its face and will not hide this fact, I do want this movie to do fine, maybe not insane, but fine. These numbers are stated by veteran in the industry, and are not absolutes. 

This is from Hollywood Reporter:
Even on the day of the premiere, one insider fretted about whether Suicide Squad would mirror BvS' huge opening and weak legs. Another veteran says the goal is survival: "The movie's got to do $750 million, $800 million to break even. If they get anywhere close to that, they'll consider it a win."

With that said, the lack of China and potiential that it might miss that mark by 100 million or so, when all is said and done, this does not look well for the Warner Brothers.