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Soundwave said:
AlfredoTurkey said:
The PC police wanted this movie to do well so bad that they can't handle the truth that it failed... hard. Watching it unfold is kind of like that South Park episode where Cartman is telling that kid that his tears are so tasty. With their nazi-like PC fascism bullshit, it's fun watching them uncomfortably wiggle lol

The truth is Bill Murray looks like a ghost himself and Ghostbusters II sucked, the movie the "fans" wanted to see likely would've sucked thirteen flavors of salty ass too. No one wants to see a bunch of 60-70 year olds "busting ghosts", and you can blame Bill Murray for there not being a proper third film, though seeing how shit the second one was, maybe it was for the best. 

Sony tried something different based on the big success of Bridesmaids and Spy, but it turned out to be an average popcorn film that didn't work at the box office. Like about 15 other big budget movies this summer. 

Fun FYI: Dan Akroyd's script for the third Ghosbusters written in the 90s has the Ghostbusters going to "hell" which is (well) hell-ish version of New York City run by Donald Trump (no, I'm not making that up). 

If you thought Ghostgirls sucked... just wait until the Splash remake comes out staring Tatum Channing who plays the mer-man in another lovely and totally unintentional gender swap for millenials who never asked for it in the first place.

Holywood is all but dead.