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I'm thinking about the movie a lot and it's not getting any better:

- basically a remake of Episode IV
- The villains were hilariously bad. Ugly emo kid, CGI Voldemort and 60 seconds screentime Phasma
- locations were dull, they had absolutely no Star Wars feeling. Every scene could've played on Earth
- another Death Star...
- hilariously overpowered weapon that can shoot at least 3 energy projectiles in one shot that are then able to split from the rest and fly to their target as if they were programmed... You see it doesn't make any sense.
- Rey is god
- female Yoda that is even uglier than him and terribly boring
- I could see it in Harrison Ford's eyes that he wanted to get out of this new trilogy as fast as possible. I'm glad for him.

that's not all but I don't want to waste any more time thinking about this movie right now.

Overall it's just a very flawed movie that is completely unoriginal. Sure the prequels had a lot of problems as well, but at least they had some new ideas.