JEMC said: Nunca te acostarás sin saber algo más |
Yup, just like learning about Ray Tomlinson's involvement with the @ (even though I didn't mention it before).
May he RIP.
JEMC said: 3D NES EMULATOR IS WITCHCRAFT IN YOUR BROWSER Witness what might have been had Nintendo had a few more bytes and hertz to play with in the '80s. Leveraging sickening talent and the dark arts, Trần Vũ Trúc has created an emulator that extrapolates 3D levels from the 2D sprites of NES games. And it runs in your browser, provided that browser is Firefox. >>This is a video showing how it works: For more info and discussing about it, visit TomaTito's thread: |
And thanks for the shout out to my thread
zero129 said: Guys humble bundle has a Super great bundle at the mo Well worth it imo!. Going to grab it myself tomorrow once i top up my card, since pretty much every game on it is on my wish list lol xD. |
wow, I was not aware Oceanhorn was also on PC... hmmmm...
Shame you missed the Dark Souls deal!