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Only the last twenty minutes or so stopped it from being up there with Nintendo's E3 2015 as the worst conference I have watched live. Overall, it managed to redeem itself and become half-decent.

Dreams - terribly presented. Looked gorgeous, but was far too long and boring. The compilation trailer at the end was far better at showing off what you can create, like the third person combat against those creatures in the woods or the 2D ship flying. Could be very well received by critics, but I am 99.9% sure it will be an absolute bomb commercially.

SFV & Tekken 7 - Nice that there is a release date for the former, and nice to get confirmation of the latter, but not really something I am into.

Uncharted 4 MP - no idea. Seems strange to me, with the addition (?) of supernatural elements and whatever the hell else was going on. I don't buy Uncharted for the multiplayer, so I am not to fussed if it isn't great. I will probably have the NDC by the time the beta starts anyway, so I will try it for myself. Traversal around the maps looked great though.

Gravity Rush 2 - Looked great, very excited about it.

Driveclub Bikes - Love the main game, and enjoy a good bike game, so this was a good announcement. Have a feeling it's going to be difficult though.

Horizon - still looks great, but it was essentially the E3 reveal in a different location. Didn't need to be at this conference at all. Hope there are more ideas to come in the future.

PSVR - inevitable there was going to be a hefty chunk of conference time given to this sooner or later, and looks like it was today. Some of the concepts looked intriguing for sure, but I am not sold on the tech at this point.

GT Sport - disappointed it wasn't 7, I guess that isn't 2016 after all, which isn't really good enough. But will no doubt get it, as it is a great franchise and will keep me going until the next mainline game.

Wild - looked good, my stream messed up so I only caught a bit of it. Need to hear more gameplay details.

Detroit - graphically incredible. Story is up in the air. The concept, as the trailer made it sound, has been done many times. I am not bothered if it is not original, because few things are, but I hope it writing stands up well to scrutiny. Definitely excited for it though, loved Fahrenheit and enjoyed HR and Beyond.