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LuckyTrouble said:
ReimTime said:
vivster said:

Does that mean you didn't like it or that you didn't watch it?

Your answer may affect our future correspondence.

I found it a very funny anime, and Ryuko and Mako were great characters. But I just started to find the whole thing over sexualized and over the top to be perfectly honest, so I left off right before Ryuko fought the umbrella lady (the name slips my mind). By no means is it bad, I just lost interest. To answer directly, I liked parts of it and watched most of it

Bolded: Welcome to the exact purpose of Kill la Kill.

Yea I get that it's what it's all about and I was fine with it at first but I think I grew tired of it. I'm still finishing it at some point but I just can't rate it as high as the others mentioned on my personal taste scale.

#1 Amb-ass-ador