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The prequels are bad.

The Mummy released the same year as The Phantom Menace has more of what made the OT Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies great than the Phantom Menace does, and the Matrix (talking about the first one only) completely blows any of the prequels away from the same summer.

The prequels vs. OT is like having a friend who was full of life, made you laugh, taught you about the mysteries of life but in a light hearted fun way, but then finding that friend has had a lobomoty and no longer has any of the same personality. 

Name me one great scene from any of the three Star Wars prequels that doesn't involve a lightsaber battle or a special effects action sequence as a crutch. There's very, very few if any at all. That's a sign you have a sh*tty lifeless script. Sorry George. 

The OT has plenty of great moments them in every movie without relying solely on action/lightsabers. Even little touches like Princess Leia/Han Solo are alone on the ship and the little "my hands are dirty" exchange is brilliantly done compared to the garbage in the prequels ("I don't like sand" .... ugh ... SHUT UP Anakin).