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DivinePaladin said:
Toxy said:
The prequel trilogy was terrible due to all the plot holes and contradictions that were made.
In the original trilogy when Luke Skywalker is in a memorable conversation with Princess Leia, the exchange goes as follows:

Luke: Leia, do you remember your mother, your real mother?

Leia: Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.

Luke: What do you remember?

Leia: Just images really, feelings.

Luke: Tell me.

Leia: She was, very beautiful, kind, but sad. Why are you asking me this?

Yet in the prequel trilogy their mother dies giving birth to them. It would be impossible for either child to have any memories of her. This is not the only flaw that was created by the prequel trilogy, the list goes on and on.

If episode VII ignores the prequel trilogy and stays true to the original trilogy I will have no problems whatsoever. Even if it causes contradictions with the prequel trilogy, as long as it stays to the original it does not matter. The prequel trilogy should be buried.

I am glad that episode VII will have more practical effects. The prequel trilogy had too much forced CGI. Also the lack of space battles in the prequel trilogy really grinded my gears. Especially when Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke in the original trilogy that Luke's dad was the best pilot in the galaxy, yet the prequel trilogy barely elaborated on this. It was such a missed opportunity, especially seeing as the space battles would have been one of the few instances that would have warranted the use of CGI, however this was barely tapped into.

I am optimistic towards the new movie. J.J Abrams seems to know what he is doing.

Luke and Leia both have strong connections to the Force. With the Force always having been a plot convenience that can fill holes, since V, it's a safe assumption that anyone can make that Leia has false memories because of the Force being strong within her. Not to mention, you quoted a very vague statement not unlike something people experience in real life, be it an out of body experience or, y'know, just a damn dream.


Yes, there are flaws with the prequel trilogy, but the entire series has honestly never been good from any sort of literary perspective. Original Trilogy fanatics love to go and point out how bad the Prequels are using flimsy evidence, and then as soon as a problem is thrown into the OT, they go and quote the EU to justify it as if a prequel section of the EU doesn't exist and explain, say, Obi Wan's experiences with Anakin as a pilot during the twelve years or so we don't see in between I and II or the couple years between II and III. Not saying you personally, mind you, I'm just stating something about the fans in general. 


The Star Wars series, coming from somebody who loves it, is a bad series. There's a lot wrong with every single facet of every single episode. The only true difference between the original and prequel trilogies is that the Prequels are quite a bit angstier at times, but even then Luke has his moments. Also, Jar Jar. That was entirely unneeded, but at least Lucas lampshaded how bad he was by making him directly responsible for the Empire rising.


TL;DR Thirty years of idolizing one half of something only to get a second half that's not perfect is always going to lead to this sort of hatred we always see for the Prequels. It's no different than old timers saying "my music in my day was better than this wub wub shit!" 

The prequels have NO EMOTION. No urgency. No believable character relationships. Horrific dialogue. 

I'm sorry but there is a large difference between the OT and prequels. The prequels are sterile, stiff cartoons with zero charm. Is there even a single quotable line from the prequels?