Mad Max Fury Road
first big action sequence is by far the best everything after falls a bit flat and the movie slows down considerably..theres a lot of sped up footage which is a bit overused and in shots where it doesnt fit but it does add a bit humor to the whole nonsense. things like a bunch of people dont see one guy sneaking up on them in the middle of a war bothers me a lot personally i just cant stand it and theres one fall that should have killed instantly and guess what not even a broken bone i dont care how over the top it is... and you cant say its because sand ...people die in dakar look it up its not a freaking cartoon period.
yeah its full of adrenaline if you like the sound of engines the sense of speed but i never felt the sense of danger thats the one thing missing and because of that it is not great but its close... and every character that you suspect will die eventually dies and the ones you suspect will live well they live :p and whats up with that voice of his feels like he dubbed himself lol
soundtrack is awesome beutifully shot some beautiful women or should i say girls and thats it the more i talk about fury road the angrier i get and the score drops was still a lot of fun and will probably watch it again tomorrow with the wife.
soylent green (1973)
basically end of the world film with a nice and enjoyable story and a pretty disturbing ending.
Tsubasa Ozora
Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.