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SvennoJ said:
kljesta64 said:
jodorowsky's dune

documentary about the most ambitious sci fi movie never made


and rewatched strange days not even the new year cant stop me from watching up 2 movies by jodorowsky..

Interesting, never heard of that version. I like David Lynch's adaptation so not a big loss :)

its definitely a loss lynchs dune is a peanut compared to jodorowskys vision..imagine star wars,lynchs dune,avatar,alien in one sci fi ,weird as fuck movie..also according to the documentary star wars was inspired by his vision and this shot ( ) and many more..he also said he was aiming for a 12 or maybe even 20hour movie they started making the set and all and then for some reason the studio said NO :(( maybe it comes to life someday.

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.