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I'm sure it's been discussed before but I thought about asking it again, which is/are your favorite boss battles of all-time?

Mine off the top of my head are:

- Twilight Fossil: Stallord (LoZ: Twilight Princess)

One of the best items in LoZ an used to near perfection in this boss battle, it was amazing for me, possibly my favorite LoZ boss battle and one of my favorite fro any game of all time.

- Chronos (God of War 3)

Truly one of the most epic boss battles, the scale of the battle was breathtaking, i was in awe during most of the fight.

- The End (Metal Gear Solid 3)

This is on this list due to being really unexpected, it lasted more than in hour for me, and I love every minute of it.


Those are( possibly) my favorite boss battles, and what are yours?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"