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So I guess you could call me a bit of an "anime noob", only really got into it in the past year or so. Always been a fan of the movies; My Neighbour Totoro and Howl's Moving Castle being amongst my favourite, but actual time to watch the full series' has been limited.

Having said that; been watching through "Full Metal Alchemist" for the feels. And as for this season, well it's been Sword Art Online for me because of all the talk here about it! Both are highly enjoyable (something about FMA gets to me and I'm not sure why but I like it), so give them a go if you haven't!

There's the "popular" stuff like Naruto, Bleach (not where my name came from, sorry), One Piece etc. but, well, there you go. As I said don't have the time for long series' so much of these are just partials, "every now and again" episodes.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.