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Current favorite for the season has to be Aldnoah Zero. Gives me a great Code Geass, Death Note, No Game No Life vibe in which I'm always impressed with the clever solutions to problems and can't wait to see how tey get out of the next jam.

Also watching and enjoying Sagebu which is hilarious, Zankyou no Terror, Space Dandy 2 and Sword Art Online 2.

Tentatively watching Re: Hamatora, Tokyo ESP, Persona 4 Golden, and Akame Ga Kill but I may or may not drop them later on.

Being roped into watching Hanayamata, Bakumatsu Rock, Dramatical Murder but only enjoying the first.

Pretty fun season, but I always find something to enjoy each season even when others lament about how terrible everything looks.


edit: have a few series continuing as well.  Mostly just Hunter x Hunter and all the sports anime.
