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r3tr0gam3r1337 said:
i think i know why backwards compatibility was not included with the XB1/PS4, emulation, it would make emulating the 360 and PS3 very easy as the XB1/PS4's architecture is now pretty much exactly the same as a PC, they both use X86 which is the same as the PC, the PC is far more flexible with hardware and anyone with a moderate to high end PC could easily run an emulator and play 360/PS3 games at far higher resolutions and frame rates.

The reason you don't know what your talking about is obvious.

Unless you have very similar archetcture, you have to emulate via software which is many orders of magnitude more difficult. Simply having better specs doesn't amount for anything if its a different architecture. Hence why, PS Now uses PS3s to emulate and send game streams. A high end pc could do it in theory given enough power and a compatible game, but I don't know how far PS3 emulation is.

Regardless, emulation has zero to do with power. Which is why consoles only have backwards compatibility through hardware something that drives up the price of the SKU unless no significant changes to architecture are made.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank