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dangerguy said:
Are you people new this whole "console race" thing? Can we please just stop talking about this until maybe 2018?

If anyone is doubting MS and the future success of Xbox One, you're definitely naive to history. As was the last, this generation will be defined over several years, not the first 6 months or even first year.

For the MS/Xbox One haters, do you remember the $600 PS3 that launched in Nov 2006? That system was a disaster for Sony the first year and things finally began to turn around a year later (Nov 2, 2007) when they finally dropped to $399. Read this quote from Sony's president, Howard Stringer, in November 2007, a year after PS3 launched:

"Obviously, we've taken so much heat over the year on PS3 ... Finally, the turning point has been passed."

In July of 2011 PS3 finally began "catching up" to Xbox 360 and look where we are now. And let me just ask this question again: who "won" the last generation? When was that determined? Did it even matter?

It seems your overlooking one huge issue with your reasoning.

The PS3 was up against the Wii and 360, systems weaker than it and cheaper than it, and Sony as a whole lost a ton of money for it.

Last gen is completely irrelevant here, the One is going up against the PS4, which might be an easier opponent then the PS2 but much harder opponent then the 360. Lets not forget which company brought the PS3 up from its disatrous launch. The PS4 design alone is proof that they remember what happened with the PS3, and if anyone thinks that MS is going to beat PS by just catching up to it in price and features then they are in for a rude awakening.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank