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I needed a good laugh, thank you! I've been reading your responses and either you haven't been a gamer for long or you don't pay attention to the industry. You made a claim that because Sony is known to have great RPGS in the past everyone will buy the PS3 for RPGS this gen? That would mean there were lots of upset gamers that bought a N64 waiting for the next great RPGs since that had always been on a Nintendo console. Well let me inform you, that didn't happen. Most gamers went over to Sony and their Playstaion because they had not only the multitude of great RPGs that the SNES formerly had it also had a huge diverse library. That library consisted of everything from crap and shovelware to good or even great games. The thing is no one would've expected that because they were missing out on the great Nintendo platformers and adventure games, but leave they did. They left the plumber and got aquanted with a bandicoot. 

So you see you're looking at history the wrong way. You're looking at things like they can't change when in fact they do and they sometimes change drastically. All those alliances that Sony has can easily shift to the Nintendo with it's dominant Wii/DS, or good ole Moneyhat Microsoft. When you think about it yes FF13 is going to the PS3 but more than one FF is made per generation. Being that the White Engine is able to make multi plat games the next FF could very well go to more than one console.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
