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We Know comcast throttles bit torrent users, nut i have come here to ask have they done it to the gamers as well.

I do not use bit torrent or any of their ilk, because I figure if its good enough for me to own, its good enough for me to buy.

  My wondering on this topic began about a year ago when i had comcast out to check out why my high speed connection was so slow.  after the tech checked my computer (he needed my help i was on a mac) made sure i had locked down my wireless, he went about checking the cables because like i said in the call to comcast originaly i had high packet loss, and unstable speed. nothing wrong with the cables. then he checked the modem it was fine. he went out and checked the local hub for the area, I live about 50 yards from it. it was fine. he made a few calls, turns out I was on a list of people to have their network speed turned down, becuase in their opinion I was using too much bandwidth, now they wouldnt tell me how much, but they agreed to turn me back to full speed as long as i kept my bandwith use down, out side of video conferencing for work, and sending work to print houses or to clients to look at, my use is very low, aim, msn, web surfing, and video gaming.  it is not like im using massive amounts of up and down stream. 

now after this I had moved my work into a studio with some friends, more professional was our goal at the time. this lowered my band width use at home, again about a  month ago the same problem came up, 4 months after i moved my work out of the home... aparently gaming is just to much for comcast to handle, for them only email, and basic web surfing and chatting


unfortunatly because of where i live i have no other options. Knology stopped expanding my way due to contracts with the city about 2 years ago... 4 blocks away from me... at&t can not expand to my area due  until legisation in our state is finished. charter closed their doors here. none of the satalite based services work in our area for legal reasons too.... 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog