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What exactly was "racist" about the comment he made about gays? Are gays now classified as a separate race or something? He was asked his opinion on homosexuality, and he gave it. It's not like he used the show to launch into an anti-gay rant and force his beliefs onto other people. The fact that this guy was dropped in 2 seconds flat while countless media personalities have said far worse about conservatives / Christians / Republicans etc and still kept their jobs without so much as a peep is pretty telling about what's really going on here...

A&E thought they had yet another cute little "reality show" on their hands along the lines of Honey Boo Boo starring white trash rednecks that people could snicker at, and what they got was a show that people tuned into by the millions because they *gasp* actually like the stars and their values! So now A&E has a conundrum... they've got this ratings machine that unfortunately (for them) features the things the media and entertainment industry hates the most.... bible-thumping, gun loving right-wingers, and it's obviously ruffled some feathers in the industry. So the first chance they got to put down the show they did, and now it's come back to bite them in the ass.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.