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wick said:

Let's keep this simple.

Roughly 78 million Xbox360s sold -

Roughly 25 million Kinects sold =

53 million xbox customers who either aren't interested in Kinect or just plain out don't want it.


Also. Do you really think 3rd party developers are going to spend time and money on adding Kinect features in when they can just make an identical game to the PS4 version? Most of a console's games come from 3rd parties so I don't know how it will be "splitting the userbase" having a Kinectless SKU when most of the 3rd party games won't be utilising it.

Well, haven´t several developers already announced Kinect specific functions to their games? I believe EA showed some things and it is not really that hard to add voice functionality and some gestures to games. The real trick is making them integral to the experience.

And of course the install base of Kinect would never come close to that of X360 user base, but noone could have dreamed of it seeling close to 25 million (!) and still raking up 50K-60K sales a week. This shows that Kinect has a wider appeal than just the core gamers that only wat a controller in their hands. It expands the audience.