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I have a Mac Mini and before that I owned an original iMac, before that an Apple II. I haven't used an apple product in years even though that Mac Mini is sitting on my desk. I used to use it for cross platform development, but now I don't need an actual Mac for that. Visualization does the job just as well.

I neither love nor hate Apple. I absolutely can't stand elitist Mac-Addicts that act like they "Get it" and everyone else is stupid for not buying into the Apple lifestyle. Right now I'm pretty pissed at Apple's unconstitutional attacks on it's competitors and unworthy patents that restrict industry innovation. But I still think Apple makes good products, often overpriced, but if you like style more than function it's your wallet.

The Great and Powerfull Woz is a personal hero of mine. He is a ingenious inventor. Steve Jobs was a genius salesman. I've never liked salesmen.