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badgenome said:
Kantor said:

Mass Effect 2 is one of my favourite games in this generation, but from a story perspective, almost nothing actually happened.

You find some people, and then some people may or may not die,   all while you're facing an enemy that has never appeared before and never appears again. The choices in Mass Effect 3 are by far the most important in the series, though of course none of them actually contribute to the ending.

Totally disagree. If you sold Legion to Cerberus, he'll turn up in ME3 as an enemy rather than a friend to be rescued. If you destroyed Maelon's genophage data, Eve dies. You have to make a choice between Samara and Morinth. And so on. True, to an extent much of it is glossed over and the lost characters are replaced with stand-ins, but a lot of your characters can die if you go into the Collector's Base unprepared or choose the wrong people for the wrong roles, and especially if Garrus or Tali wind up dead, well, that's a pretty profound difference. Even having your decisions reflected in a mostly cosmetic fashion makes it feel like your game. Sometimes the small stuff makes the biggest impact. Saving Kal'Reegar in ME2 and then chancing to hear a news report that he died fighting on Palaven really meant something to me. Probably because that Geth Prime was such a bitch to take down on Insane!

Your first two are valid, and those are among the best implementations of the decisions from previous games. And it's true that it's the little things that really go towards making all of the Mass Effect games special.

However, you wouldn't really feel like you were missing anything out if you didn't know about Kal'Reegar and Legion and the rest, and even the biggest decisions don't end up having any enormous impact on how the whole game turns out.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective