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Soma said:
KungKras said:
When I first saw the Wii. I was mesmerized by the motion control and the freshness. When I saw the Mario Kart commercials, the online looked really innovative and fun, with the globe and the Miis. I like playing bowling and golf, and I'm a big fan of tennis, so Wii sports intrigued me. I liked Jedi Outcast on the Gamecube, so I imagined how awesome a star wars game on the new console could be. I had fun with time splitters, so I guessed I could get at least one decent FPS on it since it was selling so well. I imagined a motion controlled Zelda.
Basically, when the Wii was new, I really felt that I needed that thing. It looked awesome.

And here we are, a few years later. I had to wait for ages to get some decent multiplayer FPS games. Nintendo didn't do anything with the Online, thirs parties made their own Mii system for their games, which was annoying. The first Zelda only got the atmosphere and aesthetics right, but emptied the overworld and downgraded the item usage and optional cool secrets OoT had, and was a worse game for it control was neither improved nor worse than other games. The second Zelda controls like a dream, and looks interresting, but is regressive and bloated in every other way. Mario Galaxy games wasn't as free and fun as Mario 64. No good Star Wars game came. Sakamoto destroyed the Metroid series. Brawl ruined by random tripping. Many awesome 2D platformers came out for the system though, which saved it for me, but overall, it didn't deliver what I wanted, and imagined from it.

Wii was better than GC, but on the whole, a dissapointment. And now when I saw the WiiU reveal, I wasn't mesmerized by the awesome promise of a motion future, all I thought was "A tablet? WTF?"

So yes, I'm worried about the Wii U. If more people feel like me, it is in trouble. People are NOT gonna go "cool a tablet" just like they went "cool motion control", because motion controll was actually a pretty cool concept, but what could a tablet possibly add for regular people?.


Just what I wanted to say about allowing people to imagine new ways of playing but in much better words. Good post!

Always nice to know when my posts are appreciated :)

It seems to me that the difference between the entertainement values of tablets and motion controllers (And the excitements following the announcements), especially to mainstream people, is a huge elephant in the room, that everybody ignores when discussing the WiiU.