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Player1x3 said:
phinch1 said:
Player1x3 said:
leatherhat said:
Player1x3 said:
leatherhat said:
Its not about home defense or hunting. Its about making sure the people can always "take care" of the government if they overstep their bounds, which America has apparently forgotten.

You honestly think american people can defeat government controlled US Army? Or did I misunderstood you?

Yes, and without too much difficulty 

then you don't know the first thing about military or modern warfare

And you quite clearly know nothing about history

True. I guess i forgot about the fact that weaponry, warfare tactics and gap between government's arsenal and civilian arsenal hasn't changed during history by the slightest. At all ! Also I forgot that USA has an army just as strong and capable as those of Afghanistan, Libya, and Somalia...

If the american army was pitted against the american people. How would the american army get its supplies? How would they be able to fight any prolonged war without any new recruits?