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If you watch a lot of TV your going to find overlapping shows. It's not just about competition it's about the limited amount of prime time hours of which to air the shows. ABC and NBC don't want to lose viewers to each others shows so they put their best shows against them in hopes that you won't change the channel.

Just set up multiple recording devices and you'll be fine. But I do suggest that you reduce the amount of TV you watch. I used to watch hours of TV every night and it got so bad I couldn't do anything because I was afraid I'd get behind on my favorite shows. Now I just watch 1 or 2 shows and some days I don't watch anything. It gives me a lot more time to do productive things and I don't end up staying up too late to get in some video games.

TV is a great form of entertainment, but it can become prison sentence if you get hooked on too many shows.