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osamanobama said:
FinalEvangelion said:
osamanobama said:

even though im sure youre legitametly concerned that the people advocating for a smaller government, one that stays out of their lives, and is very restricted in what its job is, will form a fascist regime. because after all, thorughout history, oppressive dictatorships come from small governments and it is small governments that throw people into prison camps, cesnor speech, have forced labor, fixed wages, equal results mentality. but i wont comment on that part.

but i will talk about the bolded. i have a guestion about that. When did it become a right for people to murder? i must have missed the memo, is it a new ammendment, i thought it was illegal to kill.

1)Although when it comes to military and invading other countries, torturing people without good evidence, or domestic spying - the conservatives seem to throw the "small government" idea out the window.  2)PATRIOT act is sure a symbol of small government.  3)Also, the government telling me when and where I can drink and consume alcohol (outside of drinking and driving since that should be illegal for obvious reasons) is sure small govenrment. That was something I didn't have to deal with when living in Japan. 4) We also top the world in incarceration rates here in the US.  To me, that's anything but small government.

1)going to war, eliminating threats to our national security. our government has the obligation to do that. also when have we ever tortured anybody. could point me to any proof that we have. as far as any citizen in America knows, we havent.

2)who says im for that? also that happened under Bush, hardly a conservative figure that matches the tea party beliefs, im not talking about establishment "conservatives" (who as far as i know havent come close to resembling anything close to a fascist regime when in power for those many years), im talking about new up and coming conservative movement, the one that is actually changing the swamp that is washington. tea party people.

3)what does that have to do with conservatives, yet alone tea party ones. usually, almost always, its liberal trying to regulate where, when, how often you can drink, smoke, and what food you can eat.

4)what does people breaking the law, and going to jail, have to do with conservatives forming a fascist regime

if waterboarding was torture when it happened to US troops, then it doesnt become not torture when the US decides they want to do it to other people.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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