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Foamer said:
Barozi said:

I guess that post wasn't directed at me, but still I own lots of Microsoft products (software and hardware).

But yeah saying something is shit is not allowed on VGChartz. (though mods tend to ignore it in certain cases)

I could imagine how that would apply if directed at 'console x'- all it's likely to do is cause a flame war, as both absolutely and comparatively none of the consoles or their various online services actually are shit. However, both as a standalone 'product' and in comparison to other DD services, GfWL really is shit. It has a clunky, half-finished feeling interface, an obtuse sign up mechanism whereby you get redirected to the main XBox site, a limited selection of games, unclear DRM and very limited community features compared to Steam. There have been multiple articles from PC games magazines and sites repeatedly criticising it and its implementation. Publishers and developers don't like it, hence why they're leaving in droves, hell Microsoft itself doesn't even like it judging by their current push to try and improve it. It's not as though it's a new service either- it's been out there in one form or another for years now.

I just can't help wondering whether the Microsoft Defence Force would have turned up if this was a thread criticising Impulse, GamersGate or Direct2Drive. My guess is we wouldn't be having self-righteous posts calling for bannings for people expressing just how poor GfWL is.

It's simply not allowed. End of story.

A thread about criticizing other Digital Download services would have 0 replies anyway and vanish from the hot topic section in a couple of minutes. Anyway criticizing is okay, calling something shit among other things is not.

btw. I didn't report anyone in this thread, but I understand when someone finds some of the comments here offensive.