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starcraft said:

The Wii is not currently, and has not been for sometime, a measure of success.  The PS3 is currently DOWN year on year, right after the second most major release of the year for the console (assuming of course GT5 does launch this year.

You ask me for evidence of Sony's exact expectations, but I am not the thread creator, I am not the person in this debate with whom the burden of proof resides.  I could easily have created a thread, equally as speculative and malicious as this one, that implies anyone who genuinely believes Move did as well as it should have is crazy.

We have complete different reads on the "HD Motion War."  A casual glance through the Sony forums for the last six months highlights an enormous amount of Kinect skepticism.  I myself remain highly skeptical of Kinect.  I have found articles where Sony vaguely alludes to possibly accelerating production.

As you're in the pro-OP camp, and therefore bare the burden of proof, can you perhaps point me to an article where Sony says anything remotely along the lines of "we're going to produce more of Move than we anticipated this year, because our shipments are selling out?"  Not, "we're going to accelerate production, which we were always going to do because it's coming up to Christmas, but for publicity purposes it sounds better if I don't say this last bit."

You're wrong. It IS a measure of success in regards of pretty much everything to do with motion controls right now. It's the generation leader. It was the only console with Motion Controls out of the box before Move. It outsold the PS3 the week before move launch by about 10k units.

And you trying to use the PS3 being down YoY in your argument makes me wonder if you're actually being serious now. Do you remember last year? Do you remember what happened? The PS3 Slim/$100 Pricecut? The same week with Uncharted 2 releasing, which boosted PS3 HW 10% for the week on top of the Slim/Pricecut effect already in place?

You aren't the thread creator, no. But you're the one arguing that Move isn't a success. You need proof if you're making that argument. You can't just go off your own assumptions when Sony's own statements say otherwise. If it wasn't a success and outdoing the expectations they had, they wouldn't be needing to up production.

I'm not exactly defending the OP, so I don't need to give proof for anything really. I think it's silly adding fuel to the fire saying PS Move is making people go crazy. I'm just wanting to see the proof you're making your argument on. because going by what Sony have said before/after PS Move has launched (and what MS have said about what they expect with Kinect), I don't see how it's possible for it not to be a success so far.

So please. Show your evidence that Move isn't a success for Sony, and I will believe you and go on my way.

Edit: Going to bed, it's almost half 4 here. Will reply later if you ever reply yourself.