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Foamer said:
Kantor said:

In the same breath, you call us elitist and call 12 million people "reprehensible, dangerous and abhorrent" simply for rejecting the beliefs held by Labour, and at the same time lumping together all Conservative voters as stuck-up bourgeouise who despise poor people and think the government ought to legalise hunting and give all of the upperclass private estates.

From my experience, most people who vote Labour are simply naïve. But some people in this There's no naïveté in here. Just a deep resentment of the affluent, a mindless devotion to socialism and this idea stuck in people's head that it is possible to attain complete equality when humanity is involved. I'm not usually this right-wing. I have to act it in here, just to offset this level of radical leftism.

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

And with that, I leave this thread before it turns from a shitstorm into a shit hurricane.

Actually, it was 10.7 million people who voted Tory at the last election. And yeah, If they all held the same views as you, I'd be calling them "reprehensible, dangerous and abhorrent"as well. I'm pretty sure I've never called you 'elitist', I just think you're very ignorant and not particularly intelligent, as your silly observations continually indicate.

Maybe I'm doing you a disservice, and it's just lack of maturity and life experience on your part. I have to admit though, that I know very few Tory voters amongst friends and family and acquaintances who hold views similar to yours. Likewise, your description of Labour voters doesn't chime with anyone i've met in the local party or elsewhere- the vast majority (including myself) are thoroughly middle-class. Far from harbouring any resentment towards the affluent, a lot of them are affluent. I can only assume you're making things up or you are profoundly deluded.

10.7 million, then. It's still quite a few people.

Now, about my views. What, exactly, have I said to give you this opinion of me? The only strong opinion which I feel I've expressed is a deep distrust of trade unions. You saw my position on the Political Compass - bang on centre.

To sum up my views in three points:

1) If you can work, you should.

2) You have the right to food, water, shelter, basic healthcare, education, fair treatment by the government (i.e. no arbitrary arrest) the opportunity to succeed in life, and the sweat of your brow. Nothing else. Nobody has the right to four pints at the pub every day. Nobody has the right to a Mercedes or a Sony 50" Full HD TV. Nobody has the right (here's where we get a little more controversial) to the best quality healthcare or education. These are things which are earned, not necessarily in money, but earned nonetheless.

3) If it doesn't hurt anybody else, go ahead and do it.

Really, everything else I brought up was just pointing out that Ed Miliband was a lurch to the left. I'm really not sure why he's trying to contradict this, because he is left of Brown, and is certainly left of the last elected Labour PM, Blair.

As for Labour and Tory supporters: That's what I was saying. From my experience, Labour supporters, as well as the ranks of trade unionist manual labourers, are middle class and fairly affluent. The former category, they will never lose. The latter category, however, they gain and lose over time. Michael Foot lost them with his ridiculous plans to leave the European Union and abolish private medical care, and Tony Blair won them back by admitting that Labour had been wrong, and shock of shocks, actually accepting that a party which had won four straight elections without any major change in policy had done something right!

As for Lib Dems, I don't think I've ever encountered one who isn't either a stoner or in love with Nick Clegg (or both). But in all seriousness, I have no idea who actually votes Lib Dem. Clegg probably knows less about how the country actually exists and runs than Cameron.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective