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Foamer said:
Kantor said:

I'm centre right. That doesn't make me some cannibalistic monster. I do have a pulse.

Amazing, you say that like it's something to be proud of.

'I may be a complete weirdo with no idea of real life who sees people as inconveniences and statistics to be shuffled around to fit into some failed ideology borrowed from the 1980s, but hey, I'm still human.'

You may not be a monster, but your views are reprehensible, dangerous and abhorrent and your rationale for holding such views is revolting and ridiculous.

In the same breath, you call us elitist and call 12 million people "reprehensible, dangerous and abhorrent" simply for rejecting the beliefs held by Labour, and at the same time lumping together all Conservative voters as stuck-up bourgeouise who despise poor people and think the government ought to legalise hunting and give all of the upperclass private estates.

From my experience, most people who vote Labour are simply naïve. But some people in this There's no naïveté in here. Just a deep resentment of the affluent, a mindless devotion to socialism and this idea stuck in people's head that it is possible to attain complete equality when humanity is involved. I'm not usually this right-wing. I have to act it in here, just to offset this level of radical leftism.

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

And with that, I leave this thread before it turns from a shitstorm into a shit hurricane.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective