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numonex said:
Foamer said:
Kantor said:

They've moved right and left under a succession of politicians, becoming their most left wing in the 1980s under Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock, and their most right wing, of course, under Tony Blair. Blair achieved a pretty good balance. Gordon Brown, despite his hatred for rich people, was only able to move it slightly further left. Ed Miliband will move it much further left again. He embodies everything that is bad and disgusting about left-wing politics and socialism, where Attlee embodied everything that was good and fair.

Actually, I just read back and found this. Can you tell me exactly what policies he's espoused so far to make you believe this nonsense? Or are you just on message with what Central Office has fed the Mail, Telegraph and assorted Murdoch rags to establish a 'Red Ed' narrative?

Please disregard these blatant lies, smear and scaremongering. How can he possibly be a Communist spy?  Ed is a centralist leader and he should unite the Labour party who will run a close election race for 2015. 

Fox News is all about lies, smear and witch hunt. So many people get their "news" from Fox News and believe everything they hear, see and read from Murdoch's press. 

He's not a Communist spy! Even I'm not going that far. There are no Commies left to spy on anyone!

Murdoch's press really isn't all that terrible. The Times is a fantastic newspaper, and no, it's not elitist and right wing, because it backed Labour in 2005.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective