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Homer_Simpson said:

Left Wing politics is about a more equal society and the abolition of poverty, its also democratic to its very core, it redistributes wealth from those who have absurdly high incomes to those who struggle to get by on lower incomes and who often work just as hard, if not harder, very few people refuse to work altogether, this is a myth perpetuated by the bourgeoisie

Dictatorship and Nationalism are both Right Wing views, any nation that adopts such stances is by nature not Left Wing, I am an Internationalist Democratic Socialist 

In theory, the far left is rosy and perfect and we all hold hands and sing Hallelujah before falling asleep in a nice peaceful glade with no global warming or war or rebellion or tax etc. etc. etc. etc.

That doesn't happen. What happens is what happened in the Soviet Union. You get a long line of crackpot dictators who cling to power and kill everyone who opposes them because they know that the moment they hold an election, they will all be kicked out of power and hanged for treason. Then, eventually, you get a half-decent leader who brings the whole thing crashing down when he tries to change it to make it even slightly fair.

Now, this about people with absurdly high incomes. Sure, tax them. Please. They don't need their millions and billions of pounds. Oh, what's that? You don't tax them, because there are loopholes which end up giving you more money? Oh, then I suppose that's fine, Labour, you lovely equality-promoting pieces of perfection.

But where do you get the money from? Hmm? The middle class? Sure! They don't have enough money or power to complain! But they still have money! We'll take money from them and give it to the working class!

I would have no problem, none whatsoever, if Labour took money from people who didn't need it. No. They rip the money out of the hands of people who have worked hard all of their lives to earn it, and put those people on an equal level with lazy manual labourers who have grossly inflated senses of self-entitlement.

People not working isn't even the problem. You're right. They're in a minority. People not working hard is a problem. Why do immigrants take British jobs? Because they are willing to work! They put in effort! They are willing to work any hours to get their fair pay, and don't complain when they don't get enough! But, of course, once these immigrants become integrated into the country, they realise that they can cheat the system, and they get onto benefits that they don't need.

I am not a dictator. I am not a nationalist. I am not a fascist. Hell, I'm not even really a conservative. I am (much as I despise this word for connotations with Ron Paul) a Libertarian. Freedom of the market, freedom of the people. Ensure a base standard of living (one which will guarantee that people stay alive). Give free healthcare. Give free education. Give nothing else, because you have no other responsibility.


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