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Homer_Simpson said:
Munkeh111 said:
Kantor said:

Thatcher had to do what she did, Major just continued what Thatcher did, Blair implemented the national minimum wage, and Brown, though he stupidly got rid of the 10% starting rate, did murder all of the super-rich with 50p tax. I figured he didn't go further left because of his delightful New Labour Chancellor. I wish Darling was Labour leader, for no other reason than that he's adorable and completely harmless.

I would like more politicians like that... or maybe more like Boris Johnson

fuck me, you clearly do not know anything about politics if you think Boris Johnson is good, even his own party hate him.

Boris Johnson is a thoroughly useless politician and government official. That's why everybody loves him so much

Seriously, though, if you look at the (ugh) alternative to Boris Johnson, I would take the crazy man with the messy hair any day, thanks.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective