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leo-j said:
Ari_Gold said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Ari_Gold said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Ari_Gold said:

i hope this makes S-E realize how silly it is to have FF Versus XIII as a PS3 exclusive

Not really

FFXIII could have easily got that extra 1.5 Million on PS3 (that its at on 360 right now) had it been exclusive.

70 plus million userbase vs. 30 million userbase? i think someone is full of shit. Exclusives are stupid for a business, only great for "fanboys"

1. FFXIII (PS3) version didn't have much advertising in the west (none in UK actually)...yet it sold so much

2. Userbase argument sucks considering...check how much PS2 had sold when FFX had come out...its way lower than 30 Million

3. This isn't a matter of should it be exclusive or not, its a matter of whether a significant amount of sales would be lost, and they wouldn't be really.

4. Eventually FFXIII PS3 will cross 5 Million which is shows there's more than enough people on the system to sustain Versus XIII in sales.

hahahahhahah, thank god you're not in the video game business, all of your excuses are PRO sony. Dude who cares if the game wasn't advertised as an exclusive or not, the game was advertised, and that is what matters, S-E doesn't give a shit, all they care is about MONEY. and 70 million userbase means, MORE people who can have access to your game.... hahaha. So according to you 5 million is good, well they could aim to sell more if the game was developed for both consoles. Legs or no legs, people know FF, if the game is good it will sell. Potential sale haven't been lost at all, in fact the game outsold FF XII WW which was a PS2 exclusive, and the sales will continue to grow. Who knows it may end up outsellin FF X. Multiplatform works for FF, and only the bias sony fanboys are in denial.

except some devs care about creating an amazing gaming experience.. and not diminishing it with a multiplatform release.. money isn't everything

sorry to say but some devs can care all they want but to publishers money is everything. All games are made to make as much profit as possible. Why do you think they want to create an amazing gaming experience..... So everyone wants to buy it ofc and it makes more profit. Maybe some PSN and XBLA games have been made by people who truely just want to make a great game. But every single big game is made to make as much money as possible.