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4. The buggy ass game, i encountered several bugs, for instance i owe some guy $2000 and im supposed to sell this car to a shop, so i sell it and the asshole only gives me $1950, so $50 short and i cant pay the fucker, and no there are no side jobs available... So im glitched.... Guess who has to restart the game?



i made my money crushing cars at the chop shop yard. about 400 bucks a pop, have picked up quite a few extra guns/ what not. there does not to seem to be as much free roam, but honestly ive liked the story better. its like a traditional point to point game in an open world.

also learn to use cover, sure it can be cheap some times, but at least in this game the AI is a threat.


honestly niether gta nor this is the top sandbox game . saints row two has been the most fun, in a more GTA stly followed by the original crackdown.



saints row 2


mercinaries 2 

crackdown 2

red dead redemption


mafia II

 the order i would rank the ones i have played in in terms of fun,  mafia II takes a lot of heat due to its lack of multiplayer something i did find pretty fun for quite a bit in GTA.


its a shame none of these studios made the maps avalible for other teams inside of thier publisher, new games as downloads for other devs indise already sprawling maps could be very fun, and a good source of revenue for original dev while working on a new game. it would be a map licinsing fee

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog