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Antabus said:
TheWon said:

 So The Wii is controlling this generation as much as the PS2 was.

Ps2 marketshare: 74%

Wii marketshare: 48%

Third party support: Not even close

Can't find any figures on total software sales but I think ps2 dominated the market on that aspect with close to 70% marketshare. Wii has less than 45% share of the software sold this gen.

How is wii controlling as much as the ps2 was?

It's not.

It's also worth noting that the PS2 had more competition... With the Dreamcast, Xbox and Gamecube. Wii only has 360 and PS3 to contend with.

As I have said before... I wouldn't be surprised to see these following things happen on a regular basis next year -

NA - 360 > Wii > PS3
EMEAA - PS3 > Wii = 360
Japan - PS3 > Wii > 360

I also wouldn't be surprised if we saw a Wii replacement from Nintendo ready for the Holidays 2011. Wii support isn't looking all that great, and they will try to launch Super-Wii with the same kind of support the 3DS seems to be getting.