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Whkowenicki said:
you are both wroing...

amercian football is crap... enjoy your 11 minutes of actual gameplay tomorrow...!!??

Whatever bro. Peyton Manning is better at football, than anyone has ever been at soccer. I'd like to see someone from soccer play in the NFL for 5 minutes or go through the combine, see what their laughable scores were.

Anyway, don't be biased guy. You aren't in to football, so you don't know why it's loved! I'm not biased against soccer like I should be, just out of respect to you! Just cause the NFL isn't as popular worldwide as soccer doesn't mean it isn't more popular than god anyway.

lol, anyway, @OP, Go Colts!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also you deserved the ban, go Naz!!!

Somebody post a picture of Peyton so I can admire greatness.

Watch this if you think I'm wrong:

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.