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johnsobas said:
it's good they are self aware, things are much better than last year though. They could still be better, and hopefully they will.

Much better than last year? Where?

OT: Anyone could have seen this coming since last year. Nintendo has been really slow in releasing games, to apoint where all they could offer for half a year was GC ports. With that kind of strategy, how could they NOT fail.

Now it's too late already to reverse things back to 2008 levels. Perhaps they will be lucky to sell what they did this year in 2010. Momentum has already died and not even a price cut, bundles and new colours were enough to help sales.

Many are posting thins I posted during this year and was called a hater. Like, why does Nintendo focus too much on the DS and leaves the Wii aside on its prime years (IE releasing far more games for it, giving it 2 Zelda games while the Wii just got a GC port). Why does Nintendo not localize games? Why do they reveal the games so close to release or never share anything about them until it's too late and no one cares for them? Why not advertise all of your games? Why ignore so many IP's they have sitting there and keep on releasing games on a couple franchises? Why did they release M+ with no games, and there won't be anymore for a full year after the release or perhaps more? Why don't we know a damn thing about what their teams are working on at the moment... only 8 out of 25 teams have known projects, and you tell me they need more people working? Why not secure 3rd party games if they know 3rd party devs will almost never give the Wii a main franchise or a long, quality game?

These and more will never be answered. You know Nintendo, I know Nintendo. Had they not rested on their laurels and everything would have been OK. 1 and a half yers offering nothing is pretty pathetic.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies