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Here are some notes on the this weeks results. (Weekly Others Chart, 12th September 2009)

Total Won = 10,983
Most Won = 3,488 (Tbone)
Average Won = 523
Least Won = -272 (azazel)

Highest Accuracy = 86.00 (Tbone)
Average Accuracy = 45.62
Lowest Accuracy = 0.00 (4 people)

Highest Winnings Ratio = 35.77 (Tbone)
Average Winnings Ratio = 21.71
Lowest Winnings Ratio = -60 (Stefl1504)

Top 5 each category

Winnings Ratio

  • Tbone
  • Zlejedi
  • nuninhuh
  • nordlead
  • Rasen Shuriken


  • Tbone
  • nordlead
  • oliist
  • zexen_lowe
  • non-gravity


  • Tbone
  • nuninhuh
  • non-gravity
  • nordlead
  • Rasen Shuriken

People who made all 3 top 5's

  • Tbone
  • nordlead

Tbone successfully and dominantly swept the league this week taking first in every category with room to spare on each one. He was ahead by 1.7% on Winnigs Ratio, ~900 ahead in winnings, and 6% for accuracy.

Weekly Ranking

Rank Name Points
Rank Name Points
1 Tbone 3
11 jonop 29
2 nordlead 10
12 Simulacrum 33
3 nuninhuh 12
13 RicHo 40
4 Zlejedi 14
14 K_Beckman 42
5 non-gravity 15
15 phumont 44
6 oliist 16
16 Enlightment 49
7 Rasen Shuriken 22
17 Sonic3dx 53
8 zexen_lowe 23
18 alano2000 53
9 shogia 28
19 bunaken64 53
10 09tarheel 29
20 Stefl1504 58

21 azazel 59

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)