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We're only weeks away from the biggest gaming event of the year and the rumors are already flying.  Some of the most prominent rumors point towards Sony and Microsoft revealing their response to Nintendo's motion sensing Wiimote, though whether this response is camera or magic wand based is still up in the air.  Which would you prefer, or would you rather they let Nintendo do what Nintendoes.

Also up for rampant speculation is the PSP2...or PSP Go as many are calling it.  Do you think Sony is ready for round two in the handheld market?  And do you think they have a fighting chance against the DSi and the iPhone?  What kind of features do you expect the handheld to have and do you think it will add anything to help revolutionize the handheld market, or will it instead just follow the current path of innovation with built-in cameras, touch screens, and tilt-control?

If you're a Nintendo fan, especially of the hardcore persuasion, chances are you're jonesing for a couple good triple-A announcements of the Hyrule and Mushroom Kingdom variety.  So do you think it's gonna happen?  Will we see a full trailer, gameplay, or just a fifteen second teaser that makes the wait until next year's E3 that much more unbearable?

Last year Nintendo unveiled Wii Motion Plus; the year before taht they stunned gamers across the world by announcing WiiFit, a strange exergaming based peripheral that would soon became a global phenomenon, rivaling only the Wii itself for scarcity on store shelves.  So does Nintendo have yet another game changing peripheral to unveil this year, or are they out of new toys?  If you think they've got one coming, what will it be?  If you think their bag of motion tricks is empty, is that a good thing or a bad thing for the company that is most known these last few years as the brand to innovate itself market saturation?

Finally....last year, Microsoft shocked gamers everywhere by announcing the most unlikely coup since they stole Rare from Nintendo: Final Fantasy XIII would be coming to the 360.  So has Microsoft managed yet another magnificent theft and stolen Snake and Kojima from Sony's jealous clutches?  If so, what do you expect Microsoft to offer gamers that have already played the PS3 version?  And if you're a 360 fan, do you even care anymore?  Will this game coming over to the 360 be as big a deal as the FFXIII revelation, especially considering that the title has already been out for over a year?

So what do you think?  Weigh in on the rumor mill and let us know what you most want to see from this year's E3.  If none of my options sound very good to you, make sure to let us know what you'd rather see.


Happy Voting!