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Here are some notes on the this weeks results (Weekly America Chart, 21st March 2009)

Total Won = 6,899
Most Won = 1,619 (oliist)
Average Won = 146.79
Least Won = -166 (Aaron11)

Highest Accuracy = 71.07 (Simulacrum)
Average Accuracy = 50.54
Lowest Accuracy = 0.00 (4 people)

Highest Winnings Ratio = 39.75 (kirby007)
Average Winnings Ratio = 18.21
Lowest Winnings Ratio = -53.33 (4 people)

Top 5 each category

Winnings Ratio

  • kirby007
  • TWRoO
  • DB40
  • Zlejedi
  • dxc


  • oliist
  • nordlead
  • kirby007
  • Tbone
  • TWRoO


  • Simulacrum
  • TWRoO
  • BHR-3
  • dxc
  • kirby007

People who made all 3 top 5's

  • kirby007
  • TwRoO

Weekly Ranking

Rank Name Points
Rank Name Points
1 kirby007 9
24 NeoGohan 70
2 TWRoO 9
25 llewdebkram 72
3 oliist 14
26 11ht11 73
4 dxc 18
27 saicho 75
5 nordlead 19
28 phelipefabres 78
6 BD40 20
29 NinjaBlade360 82
7 Tbone 23
30 Mander 89
8 PDF 23
31 Trent 92
9 BHR-3 26
32 Norfliver 97
10 Simulacrum 28
33 Xen 97
11 non-gravity 38
34 sully1311 105
12 jonop 41
35 piccoro 105
13 Zlejedi 39
36 elzumo 106
14 MetalGearSolid_4ever 47
37 ArchLawyer 112
15 wirralsman 48
38 robineau 115
16 chapset 49
39 Aaron11 116
17 RukiSama 50
40 alzberto 117
18 shock182 49
41 Furnnik 120
19 PSaiki 60
42 sonybend 123
20 SciFiBoy 62
43 pcreaper 124
21 small44 63
44 olegarin 128
22 skydonald 64
45 Avariel 128
23 salaminizer 65
46 stevechan 128

47 typicalgamer 128

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)