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Dodece said:
I too am curious as to exactly why people are hopeful based on what was said at the keynote. I read a number of very vague statements, and to be honest you cannot draw concrete conclusions on statements like back to basics. That means something different to everyone, and triggers a nostalgia response. However what if their idea of basics is cloning every game Nintendo makes. What if their idea of basic is to do everything that Nintendo does a few months later.

I have to say I was not impressed by the rumble announcement. I am not impressed by the perceived need to have rumble in controllers in the first place. When rumble came on the market it was fun. You take a hit shake. However it is over ten years later and its still take a hit and shake. Most developers do not use the technology for anything remotely useful other then to shake your hands numb. This was not a PS3 problem it was a gaff at the system by players who did not own it. Did people really care this much.

Why are people happy about the Non HD gaming comments. Thats not a good thing. Thats a really bad thing. You spent over $350 more in North America for the most part to get those great visuals and now they are going to abandon them in favor of gameplay. Thats not good thats bad they are talking about reducing the quality in favor of volume. You the owner is going to get worse games. So that Sony can sell more consoles. How is that remotely fair.

I am very confused by all this up beat attitude. Perhaps I am missing something could someone enlighten me. I also have to say this if you want this forum to be a private forum perhaps you should poll the PS3 community, and ask for this forum not to allocate hot topics to the main page. Not sure why that would be a good idea the forum would stagnate, and you would be hiding positive PS3 posts like the system were a leper, but I suppose if are anti social on a multi system site your anti social.



I'm afraid no Sony fan will have any answers for you. Either that or they will hust give you an ignorant reply about you getting out of their forum because you don't own or want a PS3. 

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
