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I don´t know if someone mentioned it before but how about comparing more than 2 consoles?

 Example: We´ve got a handheld and a console market. We´ve got 2 major handhelds at this time (PSP, NDS) but we still have the GBA which is selling good in the US and still on the market in Japan and Europe too. Also we´ve got 3 major consoles. We always had since PSX days.

 I´d really like to compare the figures of all current gen consoles/handhelds at one tim and probably analysts would like it too. Would this be possible to manage?


2) We´ve got Japan,. Europe and America and we´ve got the world - what about sales figures for the whole world? So we could watch the global sales figure with just one click. Of course this is just possible to do if you could get some europe data... but some mods recently told something would come there...


3) Wy couldn´t we separate Europe from the "other" markets? Of course Canada is near the US but Australia, China, other small markets (are China and so in the "Japan" figures?) could be shown on their own I think... So we´d have Japan, America, Europe and Others... europe is a big market too and shouldn´t be showed as "others"... but of course we need europe sales figures (monthly) for this too...


Would something I mentioned be possible to do?