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Torillian said:
Shadowblind said:
Torillian said:
goddog said:

could it be 360 users, and wii users are too busy playing games.... I normally a, but enjoying off time between sessions.... also TV sucks...



Oh god....not that idiotic theory again, when will people learn?

Whenever someone manages to find another reason thats even half as intelligent. And thats not saying that its all the smart either.


Because relative distribution on the internet is completely random and dictated by things we can't possibly try and map with the small amount of information we have.  Shit, we review mostly PS3 games, maybe that's why there's such a following on this site.  That reason makes just as much sense as the "they don't play as many games" theory.

I'll rattle off a few more:

1. Because we are harsh on trolling so PS3 fans don't feel like they'll be constantly berrated for being in third place and can hang out here

2.  Because they are remnants from when the PS3 was thought to win and didn't want to leave

3.  Because people who can afford a PS3 are more likely to be techy and therefore would enjoy a site about gaming sales.


All of those are more plausible than the idiotic theory that PS3 gamers don't play as many games and that's why there are so many here.

um.... i was being sarcastic..... Ive been here long enough to know better reading the site since winter 06  and a member since summer 07 

edit: Id have to say the techy one could work for the 360 as well, being an MS product if the user  are  MS glad handlers that work in a Microsoft environment it could effect their purchase ....... I say  screw'm all apple should have bought nintendo before the wii came out and rode that money train to death ... the iWii 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog