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Max King of the Wild said:
Andres9888 said:

GT:P was just a demo so you can take that off your list but it would be interesting to see this dual price stragery because it would be easier to sell a single player game at a lower price plus you have the bonus of having a cheap system plus inexpensive games to boot.


 And yet over 2.5million spent 40 dollars on it.... damn thats gotta sting since it sold more than Forza 2.


and that sets a terrible precedent for demos in the future i dont want to pay for demos and crap like that could ruin it for everyone. 




also forza 2 is at 4.18 million, gtp 2.39  though i do expect the next real GT to out sell forza2, and most likely forza 3

edit 2

 jaret and labonte stock car racing was the best racer back on the ps1 and im still pissed people flcoked to gt.... JLSR had damage on licenced cars in the ps1 erra why has it taken so long for GT to do that 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog