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Now to fail miserably...

1. What is the best selling console game in Japan? And how much has it sold?

Super Mario Bros. 7 million? 5

2. How much has the Wii, Ps3 and X360 sold combined so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November)

34 million 6

3. Not counting Wii Sports, what is the best selling single-platform game in Americas so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November)

Mario Kart Wii 7

4. What is the best selling game in Japan so far this year?

Mario Kart Wii 1

5. How many units has the PsP sold WW?

40.73 million 10

6. How many games have sold over 10K on Wii, according to VGChartz data?

250? 1

7. How much more has the combined versions of GTA IV sold than the combined versions of Call of Duty 4?

1.5 million 7

8. How many % of the games that have beaten 10M on a single machine, have "Mario" in its name?

60% 0. Damn.

9. How many % of the DS, PsP, Wii, X360 and Ps3's sales come from Americas?

You're kidding, right? 40%. 6. Damn, so close!

10. How much retail software was sold on black friday week 2008, according to VGChartz?

32 million? 0

And a link to the answers.


Any advices on changes to be made is appreciated, or feedback in general.  Anyone else making a test would also be appreciated (shouldn't be too hard - this took me less than 15 minutes).

What did you score? Maybe you can beat me - I scored 59/100.

PS: Thanks to C0rd for making me edit nr 8.



43. Damn, what a fail.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective