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Mrs. Dion and Taliban Jack: Lets ignore the will of the people and try to grab all the power we can. because we lied and never had any real intention of trying to work with the conservatives, thats why we had started chatting up the people that want to destroy the country we claim to care about the day after the election.

Jean: O_o....whateva.

Dion and Ignatieff: i guess that wasnt too bad of a decision...we are really uncomfortable having to make a deal with the bloc and perhaps Harper will try to fix things in his budget so we should wait and see what he says.

NDP operative Bob Rae and Liberal Caucus: rabble rabble rabble DIE HARPER DIE FUCK YOU DION AND IGNATIEFF rabble rabble rabble

This was fun.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur