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you make a point about new IPs, but if you remember gears was a new ip 2 years ago. I thinkt he larger problem is you are looking at a generation now that grew up after 2d side scrollers. and though cool LBP still has nothing on th best side scroller ever super mario 3 which i play to this day.

one of the other problems with LBP has nothing to do with the game, but the horrid launch clusterfuck over nothing.

the other issue is this is an advanced game that is hiding under a cute exterior, the building part of this game is far beyond the scope of what many players can handle so it cuts out larger parts of the game to people. for me this game goes into the same catagory as viva pinata, too complex for the young, and too cute to catch the more hard core who can exploit it to full potential. though LBP will most likely have a better upside in it with content.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog