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bobbo19 said:
don'y get me wrong guys i love my FPS its just the Wii doesn't have any worthy to buy so i get my FPS on PC. With the X360 i will be getting more FPS,hopefully!

okay I'm listing some shooters, which aren't available on PC



Call of Duty 3 (worst in the original series, but still good)

Halo 3 (I know you already mentioned it :P)

Battlefield: Bad Company (good singleplayer and awesome mulitplayer)

The Darkness (awesome shooter with a great story (well most of the time ^^) and atmosphere)

Perfect Dark Zero (Nice game with Co-op feature)

Condemned 2 Bloodshot (Not as good as Condemned Crimial Origins, but still cool)



Crackdown (fantastic sandbox gameplay, lots of fun and fully co-op playable)

Saints Row (very good GTA clone. You can maybe skip it, when you plan on getting Saints Row 2)

GTA IV (well if your PC is powerful enough you maybe wait for that version)

Army of Two (The AI of your partner isn't that good in singleplayer, but the game is cool when you play co-op)

Gears of War 2 (I don't need to say any thing here ;) )

Dark Sector (you might like it. Not the greatest games, but nice to play. Look for some reviews)

Dead Rising (Please don't get DR: Chop Till You Drop on the Wii)