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axumblade said:
Barozi said:
shio said:
Stan85 said:
Jo21 said:
the 360 version won't look exactly like the PC version.
thats fact.

if you want to get the best graphics PC is the way to go... and many 360 games will likely end up in pc after a while.

you can find vista licence for less 70$ in some places.

Many people are against the 360 and you should be aware. The hardware will be as reliable as the ps3 in November or December and you know the software lineup is and will be amaising. Comparing the 360 to ps3 is rubbish,the games are what matters.

Publishers/Developers are concern about PC piracy and everyone knows that`s true. So there are many 360/ps3 only games,but no PC version. Why? Money. Obvios.

I don`t trust Vista,XP feels more stable and I don`t want to have pc problems like send/don`t send,framerate lagg in big scenes,etc. At 200$ and all those exclusive games + easy to play pc/360 games + 360/ps3 games only...what a great deal.

Don`t you think?

Dude, Vista is far cheaper than a Xbox 360 AND new Xbox 360 games are much more expensive than new PC games. It IS a better deal because PC has 99% of ALL 360 games. Wrong. 45 out of my 124 games aren't on the PC (36,3 %)

Dude, the idea of getting a new OS, because of a game is stupid. Gaming is only a small part of an OS. If he buys Vista he need to upgrade some other parts of his computer to play the games on the same performance level and even more to use nice DirectX 10 effects.

Games developed:

70% PC
43% Consoles
31% Xbox 360
25% PS3
18% Wii
6% PS2
28% Web-based platforms
16% Handhelds
12% DS
7% PSP

Fable 2? Gears of War 2? How much will you bet on them not coming to PC?

Maybe he doesn't want to wait like uhm... over 12 months for these games to arrive

Hey! It's getting's only a....umm...about 3-4 month wait as of recent times. ;) Sometimes same day if it's something that tends to get ignored on the PC in the first place.

12 months minimum with games published by Microsoft Game Studios (except for Alan Wake)

6 months with high profile games not published by MGS. Mass Effect (Now EA), Assassin's Creed, GTA IV for example.


Just curious. Which games do you have in mind, that came out 3-4 months later on PC ?