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what makes you think they are irrational?
conservative estimates put extremists at 10% of muslim population. 25% of muslim youth within the western world believe suicide bombings are ok. you have authors killed for what they write. people killed for stuff that someone drew. buildings burned. boycotts for perceived slights.
it only takes one person for something bad to happen.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur